Thursday, March 19, 2009

week two of educating the kids on the building....

Today the younger kids learned about recycling materials for the new facility. Then as a group, they made a cement brick. The 4-6th graders learned about recycling as well but also touched on the facility on paper as well as the different careers/jobs that it takes to build a facility.

My teens were able to learn about all sorts of careers and trades and of course, take a walk onto the work site. (There favorite thing to do!)

The building is coming up before our eyes. In just a few days we've seen the brick rise and door frames installed..........Last picture is of me standing in the doorway of my new office :) :)

Remember this is a LEED certified project and we'll be granted a Silver Status. My kids, the great kids I serve, have learned so much from this process and we've only just begun!

Take a peek for yourself...........


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